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Dr. Anazia Eluemunor Kizito is a Lecturer and former HOD, Information Systems and Technology in Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro. He has been involved in intensive teaching and learning activities for almost 21 years in the Academic Environment. Dr. Anazia has a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria and Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, Nigeria respectively. He is a member of Nigerian Computer Society (NCS), Computer Professionals of Nigeria (CPN), Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN) and Information Technology Systems & Security Professionals (IT&SP). His research interest includes Machine Learning, Data Science, E-Commerce, Database Management, Digital Transformation and Integration Dr. Anazia has several paper publications in reputable national and international journal houses to his credit and has participated in various conferences/workshops. He is determined to be part of the cutting-edge team, providing the initiative, innovation and intellectual capacity in research and development of Computer Science and Information Technology.

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  1. Sebastina Nkechi Okofu, Kizito Eluemunor Anazia, Maureen Ifeanyi Akazue, MargaretDumebi Okpor,Amanda Enadona Oweimieto, Clive Ebomagune Asuai, Geoffrey Augustine Nwokolo, Arnold Adimabua Ojugo and Emmanuel Obiajulu Ojei (2024) Pilot Study on Consumer Preference, Intentions and Trust on Purchasing-Pattern for Online Virtual Shops, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, (IJACSA) Vol. 15, No. 7, 2024,, Vol. 15, (7), 804 - 811

  2. Anazia, E. K. Okpor, M.D. and Ubrurhe, O (2024) A Secured E-Assessment Platform for An Educational Institution, Journal of Computing, Science and Technology, Faculty of Computing, University of Delta Agbor., Vol. 1 (1.), 16 -22

  3. Okeh, O.D. Emuobonuvie E.A. Anazia, E.K. and Agbaje, M.O. (2024) Theoretical Review of Ethereum Blockchain Based Internet of Medical Things System (IoMT) in the 21st Century, Journal of Computing, Science and Technology, Faculty of Computing, University of Delta Agbor,., Vol. 1 (1.), 15-22

  4. Anazia, E. K, Adigwe, W. and Ifeose, J. (2024) A Novel Web Based Waste Control and Management Platform, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management , , 6(3), 170-179

  5. Anazia E. K, Ojei, E. and Okpor, M.D. (2024) A Fuzzy Logic-Based Automobile Fault Detection System Using Mamdani Algorithm, International Journal of Scientific Research and Management ,, DOI: 10.18535/ijsrm/v12i03.ec06., 12(2), 1081-1093

  6. Chukwudi, J. C. Omede, G. Edje, A. Anazia, E. K. (2024) Database Security System Using Dynamic Time-Warping Voice Recognition Authentication, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development,, 7(2), 668-678

  7. M.D Okpor, Anazia Eluemunor Kizito, and Ukpnusiowho Daniel (2024) A Novel Hybrid Database Security Management Technique, International Journal of Science and Research Archive International,,, 11(2), 1555–1565

  8. Nwankwo, W. Anazia, K.E. Adigwe, W. Nwankwo, C.P.Uwadia, F. and Samaila, M. (2023) A Community Cloud-Based Store for Forensic Operations in Cybercrime Control, 5th Information Technology for Education and Development (ITED),, 5th edition, 20-35

  9. Arnold, A. O. Christopher, Chukwufunaya, O. Emordi, F. Ako, R. E. Adigwe, W. Anazia, E. K. and Geteloma, V. (2023) Education Asaba Nigeria: Mining Education Data, Knowledge Engineering and Data Science (KEDS) ,, : , 4(2), 145–156

  10. Ojugo, A. A. Odiakaose, C. C. Emord, F. U. Ejeh, P. O. Adigwe, W. Anazia, K. E, Nwozor, B (2023) Forging a Learner-Centric Blended-Learning Framework Via an Adaptive Content-Based Architecture, Science in Information Technology Letters ,, 4(1), 40-53

  11. 5) Anazia E. K. and Adigwe W (2023) IoT Enabled Smart House System using Wi-Fi Technology, 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, , 7(8), 2456-2165

  12. 3) Nwankwo, C. Adigwe, W. Nwankwo, W. Anazia, K.E. Konyeha, S and Uwadia, F. (2023) An Improved Password-authentication Model for Access Control in Connected Systems, 5th Information Technology for Education and Development (ITED),, 5th edition, 35-50

  13. Okofu, S. Anazia, E. K. Akazue, M. Ogeh, C. Ajenaghughrure, I.B. (2023) The Interplay Between Trust In Human-Like Technologies And Integral Emotions: Google Assistant, KZYJC Journal Publications, www.KZYJC Journal Publications, Volume 38, Issue 01, 806-828

  14. Adigwe W. and Anazia E. K. Madubuezi, C. O (2022) Weed Detection System Using Artificial Intelligence Approach, , International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development,, 5(4), 558-568

  15. Anazia, E. K. and Okpako, A. E (2022) An Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Verifying and Improving Veracity in Big Data, , International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development,, 5(3), 1225-1239

  16. Okpako, A. E.and Anazia, E. K. (2022) Web Based Daily Operational E-Ticketing System for Road Transporters in Nigeria, International Journal of Scientific Development and Research, , 7(6), 458-465

  17. 8) Anazia, E. K.and Ashie J. A (2022) Patient E-Health System for Emergency Management, International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation ,, 7(6), 126-134

  18. Adigwe W. Anazia E. K.and Madubuezi, C. O. (2022) Blockchain Technology: An Improved Agro-food (Poultry) Ontology Tracking Origin, , International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, , 3(6), 1457-1465

  19. Adigwe, W. Ifeose, J. and Anazia K.E (2022) Simplifying Genetic Algorithm to Determine Optimal Crossover and Mutation, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods , , 10(6), 2630-2650

  20. 4) Adigwe W. Anazia E. K.and Madubuezi, C. O (2022) Comparative Analysis on Association Rule Mining (ARM) Algorithms Using Market Basket Analysis Approach, International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review,, 13(10), 20530-20547

  21. Inyiama, H.C and Anazia E. K (2020) Enhanced Big Data Veracity Classification Using Neutrosophic Logic and Neural Network, International Journal of Scientific ,, 11(2), 100-120

  22. Adigwe, W. and Anazia, E. K (2020) Sentiment Analysis Using Neural Network, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development,, 7(1), 102-107

  23. 14) Okpako, A.E and Anazia, E. K (2020) Machine Learning Based Big Data Classification,, Global Scientific Journals (GSJ,, 8(2), 3197-3212

  24. Anazia K. E. And Akhetuamen S (2020) Big Data: Concepts, Challenges and Prospects, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development,, 7(4), 135-143

  25. Anazia K. E. And Akhetuamen S (2018) ). Mining and Analysis of Outliers in Election Results Data in Nigeria: A Case Study of Edo State, The EXISWAC International Journal,, 5(5), 20-40