+234 807 325 9790

Engr. KEKE, Mabel


Engr. (Mrs.) Mabel Keke is a lecturer in the department of Chemical Engineering at the Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro. With core research areas of interest in separation processes, environmental engineering, kinetics, optimization, leaching, and renewable energy.


  1. Rockson-itiveh David Emoefe, Alexander Oghenereke Efih, Mabel Keke , Ozioko Fabian Chidiebere (2024) Optimization of Bio Lubricant Produced from Non-edible Jatropha curcas Seed Oil, Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering ,, 8(2), 001–011

  2. Ozioko Fabian Chidiebere, Mabel Keke, and Okirie Faith Uchendu (2024) Application of Monod Equation and First Order Rate Kinetics for the Determination of TPH Concentration along the Depths, International Journal of Renewable Energy and its Commercialization, DOI (Journal): 10.37628/IJREC, Volume: 10 | Issue: , 26-43

  3. OKIRIE Faith Uchendu, OZIOKO Fabian Chidiebere, Mabel Keke (2024) Analysis of the Degradation of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in a Polluted Stagnant Salt and Fresh Water Environment, International Journal of Chemical Separation Technology, DOI:, Vol 9, , No 2 (2023)

  4. F.C. Ozioko , P.N. Onwuachi-Iheagwara , A. Cyril a, K. Mabel , R. Nwadiolu , J.C. Oboreh , T. F. Adepoju ,*, J.S. Oboreh (2024) Synthesis of biofuel from Luffas cylindrical-Dennettia tripetala oil blend (BT40) using catalytic sweet corn stock acidified with iron (III) sulfate (Fe2(SO4)3), South African Journal of Chemical Engineering,, 49 (2024), 200–209

  5. Cyrus Aseibichin, Wisdom Chukwuemeke Ulakpa, Ikoko Omenogor, Emmanuel Doyah, Ayodeji Arnold Olaseinde, Oghenekome Cyril Anakpoha, Mabel Keke and Shankar Karuppannan (2024) Modeling and optimization of transesterification of Jatropha oil to fatty acid methyl ester: application of response surface methodology (CCD) and Taguchi orthogonal method, RSC Advances, DOI: 10.1039/d4ra01149j, 4,, 11784–11796

  6. Ikechukwu Abuchi Nnanwube· Mabel Keke · Okechukwu Dominic Onukwuli1, (2024) Kinetic analysis of alumina leaching from calcined Owhe kaolinite in HNO3 and H2O2 solution, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis ,, № 3, 1337-1353

  7. M. Keke, O. F. Chidiebere, R.-I. D. Emoefe and T. F. Adepoju. (2024) The optimization with artificial neural network and response surface methodology models for extracting oil from C. albidum seed for biodiesel production., Chemistry International,, 10(2), 36-46.

  8. David Emoefe Rockson-Itiveh, Fabian Chidiebere Ozioko, Mabel Keke (2023) The Use of Chitosan as A Coagulant in Wastewater Treatment, International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling,, Vol.7(1):, 27-36

  9. Ikechukwu Nnanwube, Mabel Keke2 (2023) Conservation of Palm Wine Using Ultraviolet Radiation, Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies,, Vol 2, No 1,, 27-36

  10. Ikechukwu A. Nnanwube ,Mabel Keke , Okechukwu D. Onukwuli (2023) Kinetics of Owhe kaolinite leaching for alumina recovery in hydrochloric acid solution, Scientific African,, 23 (2024) , e02045

  11. Ikechukwu A. Nnanwube , Mabel Keke , Okechukwu D. Onukwuli , (2023) Assessment of calcined Owhe kaolinite for potential alumina recovery via nitric acid route, Results in Chemistry,, 7 (2024), 101262

  12. David E. Rockson-Itiveh, Mabel Keke, Fabian C. Ozioko and Ifechukwude C. Otuya (2023) Bentonite Clay as an Alternative Adsorbent for Removal of Heavy Metals in Wastewater, FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology,,, Volume 8,, 2579-0625

  13. Mabel K , Amabogha B and Adepoju T. F (2023) Improving biogas yield via poultry droppings doped with plantain peels, Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances,,, 5(03), 38–050

  14. Fabian Chidiebere Ozioko, David Emoefe Rockson-Itiveh, Mabel Keke and Tunde Folorunsho Adepoju (2023) Synthesis of biodiesel from waste recycled oil employing animal bone ash, Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances,,, 16(02), 192–205

  15. Mabel Keke., Rockson-Itiveh David Emoefe., Ozioko Fabian Chidiebere., Adepoju Tunde Folorunsho (2023) Hetero-Alkali Catalyst for Production of Biodiesel from Domesticated Waste: (Used Waste oil), ABUAD INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES,, Volume 3,, 16-24

  16. Okpo, S.O., Anakpoha, O.C. and Keke, M. (2023) Local Gin Distillation Methods and Health Impact: Evaluating Physicochemical Properties of Raffia Palm and Oil Palm Derived Distillates, Nigerian Research Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences,, 8(2), 322-334

  17. Mabel Keke , Ikechukwu A. Nnanwube and Okechukwu D. Onukwuli (2023) Overvıew of Bıoleachıng, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, DOI: 10.9734/JERR/2023/v25i2884, Volume 25,, 108-129,

  18. Mabel KEKE, Samson Onoriode OKPO, Oghenekome Cyril ANAKPOHA (2023) Extraction and Characterization of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Seed Oil, ABUAD Journal of Engineering Research and Development (AJERD),, Volume 6,, 1-9

  19. Ikechukwu A. Nnanwube, Mabel Keke, Okechukwu D. Onukwuli (2022) Assessment of Owhe kaolinite as potential aluminum source in hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide solutions: Kinetics modeling and optimization, Cleaner Chemical Engineering ,, 2(2022)100022, 23

  20. Emeyazia I.D, Egerega J ., and Keke Mabel (2021) Design, development and performance evaluation of a smart office automation system, InteGrity Research Journals,, volume 3(2), 81-85