Dr. Emojorho, Eguono Ernest
He is an academic staff of Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Sciences, Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro, Delta State. He holds a Bachelors Degree of Science (Food Science and Technology), Enugu State and Master's Degree in Food science and technology (Cereal Technology) from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He also holds a a Doctorate Degree in Food Science and Technology with specialization in Food Quality Control and Assurance from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He possesses several scientific publications consisting of international journals, national journals and conference proceedings. His hobbies are reading, listening to christian music and playing table tennis. He is a scholar with extra ordinary insight, whose innovative research has ensured transformation of food waste such as orange seeds into nutritious food product of high quality which also serve as a waste management method to alleviate malnutrition. His area of interest include food packaging and storage, fruits and vegetable processing, cereal technology, and food quality control and assurance.
Assistant Lecturer
Email: ernestee@dsust.edu.ng
Google Scholar
- E. E. Emojorho, C.C. Udeh, M. N. Anene, A. Aphiar, A. N. Nwosu and T. O. Ochimana (2024) Chemical and Functional Properties of Pasting Producing from Plantain, Mesquite Seed Flours and Rice Bran, Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, https://journalajraf.com/index.php/AJRAF/article/view/279/550, 10(2), 1-11
- E.E. Emojorho, M. Reuben-Okoye, A. Aphiar, A. N. Nwosu, M. N. Anene, E. Avbundiogba, T. O. Ochimana and L D. Ekpekpo (2024) Assessing the Quality and Potential of Fried Noodles: An Analysis of Wheat and AfzeliaafricanaFlour Blends in Chemical, Functional, Physical, and Sensory Dimensions, Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports, https://journalajarr.com/index.php/AJARR/article/view/652/1290, 18(6), 41-53
- Aphiar, A., Emojorho, E.E., Anene, M.N., Udeh, C.C., Nwosu , A.N., Ochimana, T.O. (2024) Chemical, functional, physical and microbial properties of snack from blends of rice, bambara groundnut incorporated with african egg plant leaves (anara)., Global scientific journal,, http://www.globalscientificjournal.com/researchpaper/CHEMICAL_FUNCTIONAL_PHYSICAL_AND_MICROBIAL_PROPERTIES_OF_SNACK_FROM_BLENDS_OF_RICE_BAMBARA_GROUNDNUT_INCORPORATED_WITH_AFRICAN_EGG_PLANT_LEAVES_ANARA_.pdf, 12(1), 2790-2809
- Emojorho, E. E., Okonkwo, T.M. and Eze, J.I. (2023) Chemical Physical Shelf-Life and Sensory Properties of Biscuits Produced From Defatted and Undefatted Debittered Orange Seed Flours, fruits, https://www.pubhort.org/fruits/78/1/2/index.htm, 78 (1), 1-12
- Titus Onucheojo Ochimana, Ernest Eguono Emojorho, Udeh Charles Chiedu (2023) Chemical Properties and Moisture Sorption Isotherm of Smoke-Dried Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Mackerel (Trachurus trachurus)Produced with a Modified Smoking Kiln: Application of Four Models to Sorption on Data, International Journal of Biochemistry Research , https://doi.org/10.9734/ijbcrr/2023/v32i9838 , 32(9), 33-49
- Maryann Nkemakonam Anene, Ernest Eguono Emojorho, Udeh Charles Chiedu, Uche C. Anyaiwe (2023) RHEOLOGICAL, MICRONUTRIENTS AND MICROBIAL QUALITY OF IDLI PRODUCED FROM BLENDS OF RICE (Oryza sativa), AFRICAN YAM BEAN (Sphenostylis sternocarpa) AND PIGEON PEA (Cajanus cajan), Global scientific journals, http://www.globalscientificjournal.com/researchpaper/RHEOLOGICAL_MICRONUTRIENTS_AND_MICROBIAL_QUALITY_OF_IDLI_PRODUCED_FROM_BLENDS_OF_RICE_Oryza_sativa_AFRICAN_YAM_BEAN_Sphenostylis_sternocarpa_AND_PIGEON_PEA_Cajanus_cajan_.pdf, 11(11), 1941-1962
- E. E. Emojorho, M.N. Anene and C.C. Udeh (2023) American Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition ISSN 2789 - 3154 (Online) Vol.5, Issue 2 , pp 67 - 82 , 2023 Minerals Vitamins and Anti - Nutritional Properties of Biscuits Produced from Defatted and Undefa, American Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, https://ajpojournals.org/journals/index.php/AJFSN/article/view/1694/1821, 5(2), 67 - 82
- Udeh Charles Chiedu, Malomo Sunday Abiodunb,,IjarotimiOluwole Steveb, Emojorho Ernest Eguonoa and Arogundade Toyin Joy (2023) Physicochemical, Nutritional and Functional Properties of Composite Flour Blends from Whole Wheat, Sweet Potato, Defatted Peanut and Rice Bran, European Journal of Nutrition , https://journalejnfs.com/index.php/EJNFS/article/view/1366/2730, 15(12), 41-55
- Maryann Nkemakonam Anene, Ernest Eguono Emojorho, Udeh Charles Chiedu, Uche C. Anyaiwe (2023) Chemical functional physical and sensory properties of flour and idli produced from blends of rice (Oryza sativa), african yam bean (Sphenostylis sternocarpa) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), Horticulture International Journal, https://medcraveonline.com/HIJ/HIJ-07-00289.pdf, 7(4), 149‒157
- Emojorho, E.E. and Okonkwo, T.M (2022) Effect of debittering methods on the chemical and physiochemical properties of defatted and undefatted sweet orange seed flours, Fruits, The International Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture, https://www.pubhort.org/members/showdocument?series=fruits&pdffile=-bs-actahort-bs-pubhort-bs-fruits-bs-ahi-bs-1020-bs-1020.pdf&layout=pubhort&action=showdocument&lidvan=ishs&yearfruits=2022&volume=77&issue=6&edpsref=0, 77 (6), 1-10
- Emojorho E. E, Okonkwo T. M and Anene, M. N (2022) Effect of Debittering Methods on the Minerals Composition of Sweet Orange Seeds Flour, Food Processing , https://www.tridhascholars.org/pdfs/effect-of-debittering-methods-on-the-minerals-composition-of-sweet-orange-seeds-flour-FPNS-4-1032.pdf, 3(1), 1-7
- Emojorho, E.E and Akubor, P.I (2016) Effect of Debittering Methods on the Proximate Composition Sensory and Functional Properties of Orange (Citrus Sinensis) Seed Flour, Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT), https://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jestft/papers/vol10-issue9/Version-1/B1009010916.pdf, 10(9), 09-16
- Eguono Ernest Emojorho, Peter Isah Akubor (2016) Effect of Debittering Methods on the Minerals, and Phytochemical Properties of Orange (Citrus Sinensis) Seeds Flour, Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT), https://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jestft/papers/vol10-issue9/Version-2/T100902134139.pdf, 10(9), 134-139