+234 807 325 9790

Dr. Udeh, Charles Chiedu



  1. Aphiar, A., Emojorho, E.E., Anene, M.N., Udeh, C.C., Nwosu , A.N., Ochimana, T.O. (2024) CHEMICAL, FUNCTIONAL, PHYSICAL AND MICROBIAL PROPERTIES OF SNACK FROM BLENDS OF RICE, BAMBARA GROUNDNUT INCORPORATED WITH AFRICAN EGG PLANT LEAVES (ANARA), globalscientificjournal,, 12(1), 2790-2811

  2. E. E. Emojorho, C.C. Udeh, M. N. Anene, A. Aphiar, A. N. Nwosu and T. O.Ochimana (2024) Chemical and Functional Properties of Pasting Producing from Plantain, Mesquite Seed Flours and Rice Bran, Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry,, 10 (2) , 1-11

  3. Charles Chiedu Udeh; Sunday Abiodun Malomo; Steve Oluwole Ijarotimi (2024) In vitro antioxidant-inflammatory potentials of high protein-fibre cookies produced from whole wheat, sweet potato, rice bran and peanut composite flour blends, Food Production, Processing and Nutrition , accepted, accepted, accepted

  4. Ochimana, T.O., Emojorho E.E. and Udeh, C.C. (2023) Chemical Properties and Moisture Sorption Isotherm of Smoke-Dried Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) Produced with a Modified Smoking Kiln: Application of Four Models to Sorption on Data., International Journal of Biochemistry Research ,, 32(9), 22-49

  5. Emojorho, E.E, Anene M.N. and Udeh C.C. (2023) Minerals Vitamins and Anti-Nutritional Properties of Biscuits Produced from Defatted and Undefatted Debittered Orange Seed Flours , merican Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition,, 5(2), 67 - 82

  6. Anene, M.N., Emojorho E.E., Chiedu ,U.C. and Anyaiwe, U.C . (2023) Chemical functional physical and sensory properties of flour and idli produced from blends of rice (Oryza sativa), african yam bean (Sphenostylis sternocarpa) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), , Horticulture International Journal,,, 7(4), 149-157

  7. Anene, M.N., Emojorho E.E.,Chiedu ,U.C. and Anyaiwe, U.C (2023) Rheological, micronutrients and microbial quality of idli produced from blends of rice (Oryzasativa), african yam bean (sphenostylissternocarpa) and pigeon pea (cajanuscajan). , Global scientific Journals,, 11(11), 1941-1962

  8. Charles Chiedu Udeh, Sunday Abiodu Malomo, Oluwole Steve Ijarotimi, Toyin Joy Arogundade (2023) Nutritional Quality, Amino Acid Profile and Phytochemicals of High Protein-Fibre Cookies Produced From Whole Wheat, Orange-Flesh Sweet Potato, Defatted Peanut and Rice Bran , Asian Food Science Journal ,, 22(11), 24-37

  9. Udeh C. C., Malomo S. A., Ijarotimi O.S., Emojorho E. E. and Arogundade T.J. (2023) Physicochemical, Nutritional and Functional Properties of Composite Flour Blends from Whole Wheat, Sweet Potato, Defatted Peanut and Rice Bran., European Journal of Nutrition ,, 15(12), 41-55

  10. Charles Udeh, Idolo Ifie, Job Akpodiete, Sunday Malomo (2021) Kidney bean protein products as potential antioxidative and antihypertensive alternatives for non-pharmacological inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzymes, Scientific African, , 11, 2468-2276

  11. O.O Oloye, D.A., Udeh, C.C., Olawale-olakunle, O.E., Orungbemi (2019) Physicochemical, pasting and sensory properties of yam/plantain flour enriched with soybean flour, Global Scientific Journals,, 7(12), 681-689

  12. Malomo, S.A and C.C Udeh (2018) Quality and invitro estimated glycemic index of cookies from unripe plantain-crayfish-wheat composite flour, Applied Tropical Agriculture,, 23(2), 82-89

  13. C.C Oluwafemi, G.I., Udeh (2016) Effect of Fermentation Periods on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Gari, Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology,, 10(1), 37-42

  14. C.C Oluwafemi, G.I., and Udeh (2016) Comparative Evaluation of Nutritional Values of Guinea Fowl, Duck and Quail Eggs , Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology,, 10(1), 57-59