PhD Food Science and Technology, MTech Food Science and Technology, Member of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST), Member of Institute of Food Technology (IFT), Member of Nigeria Society of Chemistry.
Lecturer II
Email: owheruojo@dsust.edu.ng
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- G I. Edo, Princess O. Samuel, A. N. Jikah, Helen A. Ekokotu, U. Ugbune, E. Evi, A. Oghroro, O. L. Emakpor, Arthur E. A. Essaghah, I. E. Ainyanbhor, A. E. Ojulari, K. A. Okoronkwo and J. O. Owheruo (2024) Petroleum Discovery, Utilization and Processing in the World and Nigeria: A Comprehensive Literature Review,, Sustainable Chemical Engineering, http://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/SCE/, Vol 5 Issue 207, 1-25
- G. I. Edo, F. O. Onoharigho, A. N. Jikah, G. O. Ezekiel, A. E. A. Essaghah, H. A. Ekokotu, U. Ugbune, E. Evi A. Oghroro, O. L. Emakpor, I. E. Ainyanbhor, Patrick Othuke Akpoghelie, A. E. Ojulari, K.A. Okoronkwo, and J. O. Owheruo (2024) Evaluation of the physicochemical, phytochemical and anti-bacterial potential of Zingiber officinale (ginger), Food Chemistry Advances, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2024.100625, 3, 1-9
- G. I. Edo, A. N. Jikah, F. O. Onoharigho, P. O. Akpoghelie, J. J. Agbo, H. A. Ekokotu, U. Ugbune, G. O. Ezekiel, O. L. Emakpor, E. E. A. Oghroro, A. E. Ojulari, K. A. Okoronkwo, Omoruwou and J O. Owheruo (2024) The ameliorative effects of Vernonia amygdalina extract on superoxide dismutase and glutathione s-transferase on alloxan induced diabetes on male Wistar rats, Food Chemistry Advances, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2024.100620, 1, 1-9
- Okolotu G. I., Akpoghelie P. O., Akwenuke O. M., Okoronkwo K. A., Adaigho D. O., Ogbodhu C. U., Owheruo J. O., Uguru H., and Nyorere O. (2024) Nutrient Compositional Characteristics of Coconut Kernel, Palm Kernel, Cocoa Seed, Bitter Kola, Breadfruit and African Yam Bean,, American Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10892455, Vol. 5, No 1, 1-9, 1-9
- Zubair, A. B., Ojo, M. O., Femi, F. A., Maxwell, Y. M. O., Isah, L. R. and Owheruo, J. O. (2023) Anti-Nutrients Composition of Starch Isolated from Red and White Sorghum Cultivars Subjected to Different Steeping Time, Asian Journal of Food Research and Nutrition, https://www.sdiarticle5.com/review-history/102223, 2(4), 367-373
- G. I. Edo, F. O. Onoharigho, A. N. Jikah, G. O. Oloni, P. O. Samuel, O. A. Rapheal, O. Ikpekoro, P. O. Akpoghelie, J. J. Agbo, H. A. Ekokotu, U. Ugbune, G. O. Ezekiel, G. A. Abere, E. E. A. Oghroro, A. E. Ojulari, K. A. Okoronkwo, J. O. Owheruo, E. O. Akp (2023) Cyperus esculentus (tiger nut): An insight into its bioactive compounds, biological activities, nutritional and health benefits, Food Chemistry Advances, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2023.100511, 2, 1-9
- G. I. Edoa, P. O. Samuel, S. Ossai, S. C. Nwachukwu, Michael Chukwuma Okoliec, O. Oghenegueke, Evan Uwomano Asaahc , P O. Akpoghelie, U. Ugbune, J. O. Owheruo, G. O. Ezekiel, F. O. Onoharigho and J. J. Agbo (2023) Phytochemistry and pharmacological compounds present in scent leaf: A review, Food Chemistry Advances, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2023.100300, 3, 1-9
- Edo, G. I. Akpoghelie, P. O., Jikah, A. N, Onoharigho, F. O. Owheruo, J. O. and Okoronkwo, K. A. (2023) Quality, composition and health effects of natural honey: a review, Natural Resources for Human Health, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/, 1, 1-13
- J. O. Owheruo , G. I. Edo , P. O. Akpoghelie , K. A. Okoronkwo, , M. U. Nwaogu, A. E. Ojulari , J. J. Agbo (2023) Physicochemical Characteristics of Oils Extracted from Selected Underutilized Seeds in Ozoro, Delta State, Nigeria, Natural Resources for Human Health, https://doi.org/10.53365/nrfhh/176713 eISSN: 2583-1194, 4, , 108–114
- G, I. Edo, F. O. Onoharigho, A. N. Jikah, G. O. Oloni, P. O. Samuel, O. A. Rapheal, O. Ikpekoro, P. O. Akpoghelie, J. J. Agbo, H. A. Ekokotu, U. Ugbune, G. O. Ezekiel, G. A. Abere, E. E. A. Oghroro, A. E. Ojulari, K. A. Okoronkwo, J. O. Owheruo, and E. O. (2023) Cyperus esculentus (tiger nut): An insight into its bioactive compounds, biological activities, nutritional and health benefits, Food Chemistry Advances, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2023.100511 , 3, 1-8
- Owheruo, J. O., Edo, G. I. Ifesan, B. O., Bolade, M. K.., Origbemisoye, B. A., Akpoghelie, P. O. and Agbo, J. J. (2023) Evaluation of nutraceutical property of extruded breakfast cereal produced from blends of malted fnger millet (Eleusine coracana) and watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) seed four, Vegetos, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42535-023-00728-9, 1, 1-15
- Edo, G. I., Ugbune, U., P. O. Akpoghelie and Owheruo, J. O. (2023) Evaluation of physicochemical, phytochemical, anti‑bacterial and antioxidant potential of kola nut (cola acuminata): an approach in food, health and nutritional benefts, Vegetos, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42535-023-00715-0, 1, 1
- Owheruo, J. O., Edo, G. I. Zubair, A. B. Akpoghelie, P. O. and Agbo, J. J. (2023) Quality Evaluation of Breakfast Cereal Meal Produced from Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) and Roasted African Yam Beans (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) Flour Blends, Food Science and Engineering, DOI: https://doi.org/10.37256/fse.4220232328, 1, 1-9
- Owheruo, J. O. Ifesan, B. O. T. and. Bolade, M. K (2023) Physicochemical and Sensory Evaluation of Extruded Breakfast Cereal Produced From Flour blends Of Malted Finger Millet and Watermelon Seed, Applied Tropical Agriculture, 28(1), 1-13
- G. I. Edo, P. O. Samuel, S. Ossai, S. C. Nwachukwu, M. C. Okolie, O. Oghenegueke, E. U. Asaah, P. O. Akpoghelie, U. Ugbune, J. O. Owheruo and G. O. Ezekie (2023) Phytochemistry and pharmacological compounds present in scent leaf: A review, Food Chemistry Advances, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2023.100300 , 3, 1-9
- Owheruo, J. O., Edo, G. I., Oluwajuyitan, D. T., Faturoti, A. O. Martins, I. E., Akpoghelie, P. O. and Agbo, J. J. (2023) Quality evaluation of value-added nutritious biscuit with high antidiabetic properties from blends of wheat flour and oyster mushroom, Food Chemistry Advances , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2023.100375, 2, 1-9
- Zubair A. B., Maxwell Y. M. O., Femi F. A., Ohuoba E. U., Jiya M. J., Isah L. R. and Owheruo J. O. (2023) Functional and Proximate Composition of Sorghum Starch Complemented with Germinated Moringa Seed Flour, Asian Journal of Food Research and Nutrition, https://www.sdiarticle5.com/review-history/99211, 2 (3), 89-95
- Owheruo, J. O. Akpoghelie, P. O. Edo, G. I., Ojulari, A. E. and Agbo, J. J. (2023) Proximate, mineral, sensorial and microbiological properties of chin-chin produced from okra seed and wheat flour blends, Food Chemistry Advances, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2023.100298, 2 (1), 1-7
- Owheruo, J. O., Oluwajuyitan, T. D., Ifesan, B. O., and Bolade, M. K. (2021) Extruded breakfast meal from malted finger millet (Eleuine coracana) watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) seed flour: in-vivo nutritional qualities study , Bulletin of the National Research Centre, https://doi.org/10.1186/s42269-021-00533-x, ) 45:73, 1-9
- Zubair, A. B., Femi, F. A. Azeez, S. O. Maxwell, Y. M. O. Isah, L. R., Jiya, M. J. and Owheruo, J. O. (2021) Proximate, Mineral and Sensory Evaluation of Cake Baked from Wheat and Sesame Seed Flour Blends, Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences, http://www.nutritionnigeria.org, 42(2), 124-129
- Peter Awodi Yusufu, Joseph Oghenewogaga Owheruo and Mofoluwaso Olufunmilola Ojo (2021) Nutritional Composition, Sensory Properties and Microbial Status of Kunun Zaki Fortifed with Ground Nut Protein Concentrates, Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences, https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njns/index, 42(2), 80-87
- Zubair, A. B., Maxwell, Y.M.O.,Femi, F.A.,Azeez, S.O.,Jiya, M. J., Isah, L. R., and Owheruo, J. O. (2020) Proximate, Mineral and Functional Properties of Maize Starch Complemented with Defatted Sesame Seed Flour , Anchor University Journal of Science and Technology (AUJST) , journal.aul.edu.ng , 1(1), 61-69
- Owheruo, J. O. Ifesan, B. O. T. and Kolawole, A. O. (2019) Physicochemical properties of malted finger millet (Eleusine coracana) and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), Food Science and Nutrition, https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.816, 7(2), :476–482