+234 807 325 9790

Dr. Onwusa, Sylvester Chukwutem



  1. U,P. Onochie, A, C., H..I.Owamah, S. C Ikpeseni. S.C Onwusa. T.E. Erokare. H.O. Orugba (2024) Assessment of the compatibility of biomass-coal blends for cleaner energy utilization and sustainable development., Biomass Conversion ans BIorefinery, https;//, 10(6), 1272-1285

  2. Afabor A. M, Omotor, O. D, Onwusa S, C, Edafiadhe, E,D.. &Afabor, I.P (2024) Effect of process variable on the corrosion inhibition performance of ageratum conyzoides on structural steel in HCL-Fuzzy logic approach, Uniosun Journal of Engineering and Environmental Science (UJEES), http;, 6(1), 37-52

  3. Okoye, P. I, Okonkwo, P. O, & Onwusa S, C (2023) Re-engineering technology and vocational education towards enhancement of creativity and security for national development in covid-19 pandemic era, Unizik Orient Journal of Education,;377648923, 10(1), 33-40

  4. Onwusa, S. C, Essaghah, A. E & Umurhurhu, E. B (2023) Entrepreneurship education and development in Nigerian tertiary institutions: challenges and prospects,, Business and Management Research Journal, http;//, 13(1), 1-.15

  5. Afabor A. M, Omotor, O. D, Onwusa S, C, Uyeri C, O (2023) Corrosion inhibition efficiency of azadirachta indica on AISI 3161 austenitic stainless steel in hydrochloric acid solution, Uniport Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research (UJESR),, 8(1), 163-169

  6. Onwusa, S. C. Okotubu, J. O., Umurhurhu, E. B., & Essaghah, A. E. (2023) ,Appraisal of the effect of auto CAD software package on mechanical trade students’ spatial ability and academic achievement in technical drawing in technical colleges in Delta State,, Education Research Journal.,, 13(5), 50=58

  7. Onwusa, S. C. (2021) The influence of age and gender on academic achievement scores of technical and vocational education students. A case study analysis of Utagba-Ogbe technical college in Delta State., International Journal of Science Academic Research,, 2(4), 1272-1279

  8. Okoye, P. I, Ochiobi, C. O. & Onwusa, S. C. (2021) Technical education teachers’ perceived strategies for sustaining students’ interest in technology-based courses in technical colleges, Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies (UNIJERPS), http;//, 9(2), 113-122

  9. Eze, T. I. & Onwusa. S. C. (2021) Experiential learning activities of students’ in mechanical/automobile technology for developing competencies for 21st century, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science,, 2(12), 3275=3286

  10. Onwusa, S. C. Nwaosa, F. I. & Kelubia, D. I. (2021) Entrepreneurial skills improvement needs by self-employed technical college automobile technology graduates in Delta State., International Journal Research and Innovation Applied Science,, 6(10), 2454-6194

  11. Onwusa, S. C. (2021) Utilization of information and communication technology in technical, vocational education and training: The way forward for developing competencies for 21st century,, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science,, 5(6, 2454-6185

  12. Onwusa, S. C. (2021) An analysis and application of Charles Allen Prosser’s theories for functional and quality technical and vocational education in Nigeria., International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science,,, 5(11), 2454-6186

  13. Onwusa, S. C. (2021) The issues, challenges and strategies to strengthen technical, vocational education and training in Nigeria, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science,, 5(5), 2454-6186

  14. Onwusa, S. C., Nwaosa, F. I. (2021) Gender differences on practical skills achievement and retention scores of students’ exposed to fabrication and welding craft practice using problem-based teaching method in technical colleges in Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science,, 9(4), 13-23

  15. Eze, A.N., Onwusa, S. C. (2021) Impact of computer simulations model and problem solving software on students’ achievement, interest and retention in electrical installation and maintenance works in technical colleges in Edo State, Nigeria,, Education Research Journal,, 11(2), 39-51

  16. Eze T. I, Onwusa, S. C. & Nwaosa, F. I (2020) Effectiveness of computer tutorial model, drill and practice on students’ achievement and retention in fabrication and welding technology in technical colleges, European Journal of Education Studies,,, 7(12), 135-148

  17. Eze, A. N, Ezenwafor, J. I. & Onwusa, S. C. (2020) Effect of computer-based instruction on students’ achievement and retention of high and low achieving auto-mechanics technology in technical colleges, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,, http;//, 2(12), 2229-5518

  18. Eze T. I, Onwusa, S. C, Olumoko, B. O. & Nwaosa, F. I (2020) Effect of information and communication technology on students’ cognitive achievement and interest in metalwork technology in technical colleges, Journal of Research and Method in Education, ,, 10(6), 3-10

  19. Eze T. I, Onwusa, S. C. Olumoko, B. O. & Nwaosa, F. I (2020) Assessment of the extent of auto-mechanics teachers’ utilization of instructional materials for teaching in technical colleges in Edo and Delta State, Nigeria, Education Research Journal, http;//, 10(10), 305-317

  20. Eze T. I, Onwusa, S. C. Olumoko, B. O.& Akinwale R,.S (2020) Effectiveness of constructivism instructional method on students’ psychomotor achievement, problem-solving and retention in mechanical engineering craft practice in technical college, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, www;, 6(7), 87-93

  21. Eze T. I, & Onwusa, S. C (2020) Effect of computer-assisted instruction on students’ academic achievement and interest of high and low achieving of auto-mechanics technology in technical colleges., Journal of Humanities and Social Science, www;, 25(8), 22-32

  22. Eze, A.N. Onwusa, S. C. & Okoye, P. I (2020) Interaction effects of computer-assisted instruction and Lecture-demonstration teaching methods on students’ achievement and interest on ability level in motor vehicle mechanics works in technical colleges, International Journal of Creative Research and Studies,, www;, 4(12), 6-18

  23. Onwusa, S. C. & Nwaosa, F. I. (2020) Effect of cognitive apprenticeship instructional method on students’ skills achievement, problem-solving and retention in metalwork , World Journal of Innovative Research,, 9(2), 43-50