+234 807 325 9790

Engr. Uguru, Hilary Erobo



  1. Baazeem, A., Helal, M., Sami, R., Alshehry, G., Algarni, E., Uguru, H., Baakdah, F., Alharthy, S. A., & Mahmoud Johari, D. (2024) Positive effects of dietary honey and aflatoxin B1 on serum enzymes, superoxide dismutase activity, β-glucuronidase enzyme activity, and colonic probiotic bacteria on rats., Materials Express, , 14(1), 60-65

  2. Owamah, H. I., Uguru, H., Umukoro, L. O., Akpokodje, O. I., Helal, M., Sami, R., Alshehry, G., Algarni, E., Abdelhai, N., Abushal, S. A., & Aljuraide, N. I. (2024) Mechanical and Physiochemical Characteristics of Sandcrete Blocks Produced with Sustainable Biomaterials. , Science of Advanced Materials,, , 16(4), 518-531

  3. H. Uguru, A. E. Essaghah, O.M. Akwenuke, O. I. Akpokodje, Rokayya Sami, Mahmoud Helal,and Roqayah H. Kadi (2023) Environmental Impact of Wasteyard Leachate Pollution, It’s Health Risks with Some Microbial and Ecological Implications, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,, 17(3), 270-285

  4. Uguru, H., Akpokodje, O.I., Hemdan, D.I., Sami, R., Helal, M., Aljahani, A.H., Ashour, A.A., and Algehainy, N.A (2023) Effectiveness of plant oil in stabilizing the antioxidants, phenolic compounds and antimicrobial effects of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) oil, Materials Express,, 13, 704–716

  5. Amitabh, A., Kumar, V., Jain, S. K., Kashyap, V., Sami, R., Helal, M., Aljuraide, N. I., and Uguru, H. (2023) Development and Performance Evaluation of Watermelon Pulper Based on Mechanical Action of Crushing and Shearing Force, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,, 17(3), 375-382

  6. Uguru, H., Akpokodje, O.I. and Donald, A.N. (2022) Using rice husks manure and seaweed extract to optimize the phytoremediation efficiency of guinea grass , Journal of Engineering Innovations and Applications, , 1(1), 7-12

  7. Akpokodje, O. I., Juwah, H. O., & Uguru, H. (2022) Impacts of petroleum spills on geotechnical properties of soils: A review, Journal of Engineering Innovations and Applications,, 1(1), 1-6

  8. Eboibi, O., Akpokodje, O. I., & Uguru, H. (2022) Evaluation of organic enhancer on the mechanical properties of periwinkle shells concrete, Journal of Engineering Innovations and Applications,, 1(1), 13-22

  9. Uguru, H., Akpokodje, O.I., Agbi, G.G., Essaghah, A.E., Sami, R., Amani, H.A., Al-Meshal, A.S., Rasha, A.A., Waad. A., Alotaibi, A., Doaa, M.J. and Mahmoud, H. (2022) Evaluating the spatial distribution of some toxic substances concentration with the microbial contamination of wetland water, sediment and fishes, and their potential health hazards, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, , 16, 864-662

  10. Uguru, H., Akpokodje, O.I.and Agbi, G.G. (2022) Assessment of Compressive Strength Variations of Concrete Poured in-Site of Residential Buildings in Isoko District, Delta State, Nigeria, Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research , , 3(2), 311-327

  11. Uguru, H., Akpokodje, O. I., Sami, R., Aluta, E. O., Tayeb, F. J., Elboughdiri, N., Khan, M. I., & Salih, A. A. M. (2022) Microbial Quality and Potential Health Risks Assessment of Frequently Consume Fresh Fruits and Nuts, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, , 16(3), 510–518

  12. Uguru H., Akpokodje O.I., Rokayya S., Amani H.A., Almasoudi, A, and Abeer G. A. (2022) Comprehensive assessment of the effect of various anthropogenic activities on the groundwater quality, Science of Advanced Materials, , 14, 462–474

  13. Awad, N. A., Mohamed E., Emad H. E., Ahmed S. M. I., Yasser S. G. A., Mohamed S. G., Reda M. Y. Z., Rokayya S., Ebtihal K., Uguru H., Khaled S (2022) Evaluation of the effect of elite jojoba strains on the chemical properties of its seed oil, Molecules,, 27, 3904 - 3913

  14. Uguru, H. and Akpenyi-Aboh, O. N. (2021) Optimization of agricultural machines through the preharvest treatment of sweet paper (cv. Goliath) fruits, Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science, , 9, 167-173

  15. Ekruyota, O. G. and Uguru, H. (2021) Development of an Autonomous Multifunctional Fruits Harvester, Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research,, 6(2), 1-7

  16. Uguru, H. and Oghenerukevwe, P. (2021) Effect of organic fillers on the tensile characterization of calcium carbonate hybridized epoxy composite, Direct Research Journal of Engineering and Information Technology, , 8, 42-48

  17. Ekruyota, O. G. and Uguru, H. (2021) Characterizing the mechanical properties of eggplant (Melina F1) fruits, for the design and production of agricultural robots, Direct Research Journal of Engineering and Information Technology,, 8, 21-29

  18. Ogbaran, A. N. and Uguru H (2021) Evaluating the Contamination Degree and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals Around Active Dumpsite Environment: A Case Study of Ozoro Community, Delta State, Physical Science International Journal,, 25(1), 59-51

  19. Uguru H, Akpokodje OI, Altuntas E. (2021) A study on rupture resistance of groundnut (Cv. SAMNUT 22) kernel, Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research ,, 2(1), 19-33

  20. Eboibi O, Akpokodje OI, Nyorere O, Oghenerukevwe P, Uguru H. (2021) Effect of pre-harvest applications of organic manure and calcium chloride on the storability of tomato fruits, Annals of Agricultural Sciences, , 66, 142–151

  21. Uguru H, Akpokodje OI and Agbi GG (2021) Assessment of spatial variability of heavy metals (Pb and Al) in alluvial soil around Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro, Southern Nigeria, Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research , , 2(2), 450-459

  22. Obukoeroro, J., & Uguru, H. (2021) A Survey of Electrical Materials Counterfeiting in Bayelsa State: A Case Study of Yenagoa Local Government Area, Journal of Physical Science and Environmental Studies,, 7(1), 9-14

  23. Bratte, A. G., & Uguru, H. (2021) Evaluating the influence of pre-harvest hybrid treatments (compost manure and potassium nitrate fertilizer) on the mechanical properties of eggplant (cv. Bello) fruits, Journal of Agricultural Science and Practice,, 6(2), 60-66

  24. Obukoeroro, J., & Uguru, H. (2021) Appraisal of electrical wiring and installations status in Isoko area of Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Physical Science and Environmental Studies,, 7(1), 1-8

  25. Akpokodje, O. I., Agbi, G. G., Uguru, H., & Nyorere, O. (2021) Evaluation of the compressive strength of commercial sandcrete blocks produced in two metropolises of Delta State, Nigeria, Applied Journal of Physical Science,, 3(1), 61-71

  26. Uguru H, Akpokodje OI, and Esegbuyota D (2020) Remediation potency of charcoal block and sawdust in petroleum products contaminated soil, Trends in Technical , , 4(4), 107 - 115

  27. Uguru H., Akpokodje, O.I., and Ijabo, O. J. (2020) Fracture resistance of groundnut (cv. SAMNUT 11) kernel under quasi-static compression loading, Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology,,, 8(1), 1-8

  28. Uguru, H., and Obah, G. E (2020) Tensile Characterization of Pre-harvest Treated Pineapple Leaf Fibre., Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, , 18(4), 51-58

  29. Akpomrere, O. R and Uguru, H. (2020) Copper concentration and distribution in the ground water of Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Nigeria, Asian Journal of Geographical Research, , 3(3), 1-8

  30. Akpokodje, O. I., Uguru, H., & Esegbuyota, D. (2019) Evaluation of phytoremediation potentials of different plants’ varieties in petroleum products polluted soil, Global Journal of Earth and Environmental Science,, 4(3), 41-46

  31. Umurhurhu, B. and Uguru, H. (2019) Effect of storage duration on mechanical properties of Bello eggplant fruit under quasi compression loading, International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, , 7(5), 311-320

  32. Uyeri, C. and Uguru, H. (2019) Compressive resistance of groundnut kernels as influenced by kernel size, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, , 3(4), 1-7

  33. Uguru, H., Akpokodje, O.I. and Irtwange, S.V (2019) Mechanical behaviour of common bean (cv. Butter) seeds as affected by maturation, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports,, 8(2), 1-12

  34. Akpokodje, O.I. and Uguru, H. (2019) Bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil: assessment of compost manure and organic soap, Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, , 7(5), 13-23

  35. Nyorere, O. and Uguru, H. (2018) Effect of finger size and variety on mechanical properties of intact plantain (Musa paradisiaca) finger under quasi-static loading, Advances in Research,, 16(2), 1-6

  36. Eboibi, O. and Uguru, H. (2018) Statistical analysis of the physical properties of varieties of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) influenced by maturity stage, Nigerian Journal of Technology, , 37(4), 1176 – 1184

  37. Nyorere, O. and Uguru, H. (2018) Instrumental texture profile analysis (TPA) of cucumber fruit as influenced by its part and maturity stage. , American Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, , 3(4), 54-60

  38. Eboibi, O., Akpokodje, O.I., and Uguru, H. (2018) Growth performance of five bean (Phaseolus spp) varieties as influenced by organic amendment, Journal of Applied Sciences , , 22, 759 - 763

  39. Akpokodje, O.I., Uguru, H. and Esegbuyota, D. (2018) Remediation of cassava effluent contaminated soil using organic soap solution: Case study of soil physical properties and plant growth performance, Journal of Scientific Research ,, 21(3), 1-11

  40. Oghenerukewve, P.O. and Uguru, H (2018) Effect of moisture content on strength Properties of okra pod (Cv Kirenf) necessary for machine design, SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, , 5(3), 6-11