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EDAFIADHE Emozino Donatus is a Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Delta State University of Science and Technology Ozoro, Delta State, Nigeria. Engr. Edafiadhe E. D, is COREN registered with research interest on Automotive systems, Manufacturing and Renewable Alternative Energy Resources. Engr. Edafiadhe did publish some journals in these area of interest and is willing and available to interact and exchange knowledge with other researchers in this area or other area of specialization.


  1. Samson Onoriode OKPO, Emozino Donatus EDAFIADHE (2024) Unlocking the Power of Waste Cooking Oils for Sustainable Energy Production and Circular Economy: A Review, ABUAD Journal of Engineering Research and Development (AJERD),, 7, 41-55

  2. N. E. Nwanze a, Sunday Chukwuka Iweka, K. E. Madu c and E. D. Edafiadhe (2024) Solar Radiation Forecasting Models and their Thermodynamic Analysis in Asaba: Least Square Regression and Machine Learning Approach, Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, DOI: 10.9734/JENRR/2024/v16i2333, 16, 9-21

  3. Idama, O., Edafiadhe, E.D, Ighologe, O., Ighofiomoni, O.M., Ekruyota, G.O (2024) Evaluating the Engineering Properties of Conductive Bio-Composite for Mechanical and Computer Installations Design, Journal of Science and Technology Research,, 6(1), 253-261

  4. Afabor, A. M., Omotor, O. D., Onwusa, S., Edafiadhe, E. D. and Afabor, I. P (2024) EFFECT OF PROCESS VARIABLES ON THE CORROSION INHIBITION PERFORMANCE OF AGERATUM CONYZOIDES ON STRUCTURAL STEEL IN HCl - FUZZY LOGIC APPROACH, UNIOSUN Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 6, 37-52

  5. AKWENUKE, O. M and Edafiadhe E. D (2023) Effect of green admixtures on the mechanical properties of concrete composite, ABUAD International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, DOI:, Volume 3, 87-93

  6. S. C Iweka, F. C. Ozioko, E. D. Edafiadhe, and T. F. Adekpoju (2023) Bio-Oil production from ripe pawpaw seeds and it's optimal output: Box-Behnken Design and Machine learning approach, Scientific African,, Volume 21, e01826

  7. Onyekachukwu Nicklette AKPENYI-ABOH, Moses Onoziogie AKWENUKEb, Emozino Donatus EDAFIADHE (2023) Influence of Treatments on the Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin Hybrid Composites Reinforced with Pineapple Fiber and Snail Shell Particulates, Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research,, 4(2), 278-288

  8. Edafiadhe E. D and Nwanze .N.E (2022) A Comparative Study on the tensile properties and environmental suitability of glass fibre/raffia palm/plantain fibres hybridized epoxy bio-composites , Integrity Research Journal (JEIA), DOI:, 1(2), 32-39

  9. E. D. Edafiadhe, C. C. Nwobi, K. E. Madu, and J. L Chukwuneke (2022) Predictive modelling for parametric analysis of an air conditioning system in a 400-seat auditorium in Warri, sub-tropical Nigeria, Journal of Engineering Research and Report, DOI: 10.9734/JERR/2022/v23Ai517611, 23(5), 59-67

  10. Eboibi. O, Edafiadhe, E. D (2022) Comparative Analysis of the fuel properties of biodiesel produced from different groundnut varieties, International Journal of Advanced Academic Research, DOI: 10.46654 (, Volume 8, 9

  11. Okieke .U. J, Odoh. F. E, Ebisine .E. E, Edafiadhe. E. D (2022) Research on the Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Conductive Epoxy Composite, Aduad International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,, Volume 2, Pp 155-160

  12. Edafiadhe, E. D., Idama, O., Esimike, H., Ighofiomoni, O. H., & Ekruyota, G. O (2022) Design of a 25 Metric Tons Capacity Automated Yam Tubers Storage Warehouse, Journal of Computer Science Review and Engineering,, 6(2), 11-22

  13. Okpo, S.O and Edafiadhe, E.D (2020) Comparative review of fuel properties of biodiesel produced from pentaclethra macrophylla benth seed oil extracted with different solvents,, ICSHER Journal, 2(2), 116-126

  14. Edafiadhe, E.D and Oderhowho .N (2019) Failure Behaviour of Okra (cv Kirenf) Pod during Maturation, Direct Research Journal Of Engineering and Information Technology (DRJEIT) , DOI:, 6(2), 9-13

  15. P. O. Oghenerukevwe and E. D. Edafiadhe (2017) Development and Performance Evaluation of a Motorized Harris Siever, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) , DOI: 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V53P218, 53(2), 104-107

  16. Okpo, S.O and Edafiadhe, E.D (2016) Production and characterization of biodiesel from non-conventional oil seeds- pentaclethramacrophylla benth seed oil., The Scope - A Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Science and Engineering Research, 2(1), 1-8