
Lecturer II
Email: nyorereo@dsust.edu.ng
- O. Nyorere ,S.I. Oluka ,S.E. Onoji ,R. Nwadiolu ,T.F. Adepoju (2024) Dataset on acido-biocatalysis of agro solid wastes in acidic medium for the conversion of pink solo Carica papaya seed oil to biodiesel fuel, Data in Brief, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2024.110219, 53, 110219-110233
- O. Nyorere , S.I. Oluka , S.E. Onoji, R. Nwadiolu, T.F. Adepoju (2024) Production of biodiesel from biocatalysis of agro-wastes in acidic environment, Scientific Africa, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2024.e02154, 24, 2154-2161
- Nyorere, O., and Oluka, S. I (2024) IMPACT OF OPTIMIZATION ON CARICA PAPAYA SEEDS OIL EXTRACTION, Explorematics Journal of Innovative Engineering and Technology, www.explorematicsjournal.org.ng, 5(1), 34-41
- Okolotu G. I.1, Akpoghelie P. O., Akwenuke O. M., Okoronkwo K. A., Adaigho D. O., Ogbodhu C. U., Owheruo J. O. Uguru H, & Nyorere O. (2024) Nutrient Compositional Characteristics of Coconut Kernel, Palm Kernel, Cocoa Seed, Bitter Kola, Breadfruit and African Yam Bean, American Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10892455, 5, 1-9
- Nyorere, O, Eje, B.E. and Ugwu, K.C (2024) Mechanical Properties of Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentem Mill) Fruits Produced Under Different Field Practices, Journal of Science and Technology Research, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10971888, 6(1), 156-163
- Nyorere O, Umunna M. F., Oluka S. I., Erokare T. E., Eje B. E, Adepoju T. F (2024) REVIEW OF BIODIESEL PRODUCTION FROM TRANSESTERIFICATION OF ESTERIFIED Carica Papaya OIL (CSO), Scientific Journal AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, DOI: 10.5937/PoljTeh2401043N, 1(2024), 43-57
- Oderhowho NYORERE, Moses AKWENUKE, Otaghogho Zion TACHERE (2023) Investigation into the Mechanical Properties of Commercial Sandcrete Blocks Produced in Nigeria: A Case Study of Warri Metropolis, Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, https://doi.org/10.46592/turkager.1389808, 4(2), 251-262
- Otaghogho Zion TACHERE, Onyekachukwu Nicklette AKPENYI-ABO, Ovie Isaac AKPOKODJE Oderhowho NYORERE (2023) Utilization of Plant Waste Materials as a Partial Replacement of Cement and Fine Aggregates in Concrete Production, Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, https://doi.org/10.46592/turkager.1387174, 4(2), 239-250
- Okeoghene Eboibi, Ovie Isaac Akpokodje, Oderhowho Nyorere, Prosper Oghenerukevwe, Hilary Uguru (2021) Effect of pre-harvest applications of organic manure and calcium chloride on the storability of tomato fruits, Annals of Agricultural Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aoas.2021.10.001 0570-1783/© 2021, 66, 142-151
- Akpokodje, O.I., Agbi, G.G., Uguru, H. and Nyorere, O. (2021) Evaluation of the Compressive Strength of Commercial Sand Crete Blocks Produced in Two Metropolises of Delta State, Nigeria., Applied Journal of Physical Science, https://doi.org/:10.31248/AJPS2021.047, 3(2), 61-71
- Edafiadhe, E. O., Nyorere, O., and Uguru, H. (2019) Compressive Behaviour of Oil Bean Shell and Wood Particulates/ Epoxy Composite Board., Archives of Current Research International, https://doi.org/10.9734/acri/2019/v16i330089, 16(3), 1-8
- Uguru. H., and Nyorere, O. (2019) Failure Behaviour of Groundnut (SAMNUT 11) Kernel as Affected by Kernel Size, Loading Rate and Loading Position., International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337137610_FAILURE_BEHAVIOUR_OF_GROUNDNUT_SAMNUT_11_KERNEL_AS_AFFECTED_BY_KERNEL_SIZE_LOADING_RATE_AND_LOADING_POSITION, 10(2), 1209-1217
- Idama, G., and Nyorere, O., (2019) Mechanical Behavior of Groundnut (CV Kampala) kernel under compressive loading as a function of loading rate and orientation., Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science (DRJAFS), https://doi.org/10.26765/DRJAFS.2019.9512, 7(1), 1-6
- Nyorere, O., and Iweka, C., (2019) Compressive Behavior of cassava (manihot Esculenta) tuber under static quasi compression loading as influenced by Age and variety, Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2671484, 7(5), 93-98
- Nwanze, N.E., and Nyorere, O., (2019) Mechanical properties of African Eggplant (solanum aethiopicum L. Bello) as influnced by maturation., Direct Research journal of Engineering and Information Technology (DRJEIT), https://doi.org/10.52765/zenodo.5606413, 6(2), 14-17
- Nyorere, O., and Uguru, H., (2018) Instrumental Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) of Cucumber Fruit as Influenced by Part and Maturity Stage., American Journal of Engineering and Technology Management., https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333949527_Instrumental_Texture_Profile_Analysis_TPA_of_Cucumber_Fruit_as_Influenced_by_Its_Part_and_Maturity_Stage, 3(4), 54-60